VPN Providers > PD-Proxy VPN
New forum for PD-Proxy VPN users
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Initializing Engine...
PD-Proxy VPN, Inc <[email protected]>
Tunnel Engine v2.1.9 Build Date 04/19/2012
Checking internet connection...
Connecting to UDP Server...
Scanning open ports...
Open port 9200 found...
Premium account succesfully authenticated!
Enabling interface [Local Area Connection 2]
Setting IP of interface to
Waiting for interface to come up...
Updating routing table........
Succesfully connected to server!
For help & support visit http://forum.pdproxy.com/
Failed to establish connection TCP Connection!
Reason: Connection timed out (WSAETIMEDOUT)
PD-Proxy Software Auto-update failed!
You can manually download the update at http://www.pdproxy.com/download.htm
what's the point of this furom if no one entertain us? B**llS**it
Been having problem lately with pd proxy, its no longer working over here ..this is the error we have get ....

Initializing Engine...
PD-Proxy VPN, Inc <[email protected]>
Tunnel Engine v2.1.9 Build Date 04/19/2012
Checking internet connection...
Connecting to ICMP Server...
Sending ICMP Requests...
Premium account succesfully authenticated!
Sending ping requests to server.....
Enabling interface [Local Area Connection 2]
Launching devcon enable failed!
Updating routing table........
 Route: Cannot find interface using IPAPI
 You can also try to increase your route delay setting and see if it helps
 IPAPI Failed! Trying route.exe
Error reading tun: The handle is invalid. 

Click the connect button to start again...
Restoring old routing table...
Tunnel sucesfully closed!

What can i do Pd proxy ? we are all suffering from this same thing over here and it has not been fixed yet
kindy check..i extend already and still cannot connect

Initializing Engine...
PD-Proxy VPN, Inc <[email protected]>
Tunnel Engine v2.1.9 Build Date 04/19/2012
Checking internet connection...
Connecting to UDP Server...
Scanning open ports...
Open port 9200 found...
Bandwidth limit reached!
Please upgrade your account to premium to continue browsing!
Tunnel sucesfully terminated!

Click the connect button to start again...
sir why do i keep getting this have try in many computer with different OS
Initializing Engine...
PD-Proxy VPN, Inc <[email protected]>
Tunnel Engine v2.1.9 Build Date 04/19/2012
Checking internet connection...
Connecting to UDP Server...
Scanning open ports...
Open port 9200 found...
Authentication failed!
Tunnel sucesfully terminated!

Click the connect button to start again...
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