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Author Topic: 10 Ways the NSA is Spying on You in 2019  (Read 7890 times)

Offline brettjohnson

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10 Ways the NSA is Spying on You in 2019
« on: February 25, 2019, 07:36:13 AM »
Just came across this page about NSA Spying. Damn! The surveillance is going to eat us alive.
Building Backdoors – NSA’s Favorite Pass Time
We all know about the famous FBI-Apple incident back in 2016. It was back then when Apple turned down FBI’s request to access data on an iPhone confiscated on the crime scene of San Bernardino shooters incident. Apple’s response accompanied a backlash to which Cook responded: “No one would want a master key built that would turn hundreds of millions of locks, even if that key was in the possession of the person that you trust the most…that key could be stolen”.

Obviously, that is one side of the coin. As per Snowden’s revelations, the NSA spends over 200 million dollars a year to make devices’ security vulnerable. Such mammoth amount is spent on collaborations with tech giants – creating backdoors for surveillance.

Another incident brought in the limelight was NSA-RSA collaboration where National Security Agency paid RSA USD $10 million to create a backdoor and distribute compromised encryption tools. Over the years, RSA has been claiming that their relationship with the NSA has changed, however, we strongly believe in this notion: once a thief, always a thief.

Of course, these are a few known incidents. There must be hundreds of such collaborations that we are not aware of. Alliances that are still operational, and spying on us along with the NSA, from the shadows.

Source: https://www.purevpn.com/internet-privacy/is-the-nsa-spying-on-me
« Last Edit: February 01, 2021, 04:11:10 AM by brettjohnson »