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Author Topic: How a VPN Helps with Network Problems  (Read 9194 times)

Offline syncmedia123

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How a VPN Helps with Network Problems
« on: November 08, 2021, 04:00:18 AM »
One network failure along the way will affect your entire connection. If you’ve discovered an issue like that with Traceroute, then it might be possible to solve it with a VPN. For instance, let’s say the network data travels through a node in France on its way to the U.S., and that node is experiencing an outage.

By connecting to a VPN server in a different country, your data needs to travel through a different network. Essentially, you force the connection to take a separate route to its destination. This may not increase your browsing speed, but it may solve any connectivity issues.
Of course, that entirely depends on which route the VPN server uses to connect to the final website. It might take a bit of trial and error before you find the right server that will correct the problem.

Another way to improve your connection issues with VPN is to use a high-performing protocol. The OLOW VPN protocol is recommended in this case because it’s lightweight for devices to run, with excellent handling for poor connection quality.

Bandwidth Throttling
Why your ISP would throttle your connection. One of them is that you’ve gone over your data cap for the month, so everything slows down to a crawl. Unfortunately, a VPN won’t help you bypass your data caps. You’re stuck with paying more for no caps or switching internet providers.

With that out of the way, a VPN can help with selective throttling. This occurs when ISPs wish to curb traffic to specific websites and apps. Sometimes, this is a method of antifighting between major telecoms and media companies, with consumers caught in the crossfire. But in more significant instances, it’s one of the tools used by government to enact undue censorship.